
Import Blogger Beta Posts to WordPress

A lot of people who enter the world of blogging start out using free hosts with the three most popular hosts being Blogger, Wordpress and TypePad. Using such hosts, you can start a blog, your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more. All for FREE.

So what happens once your blog becomes very popular because of your original creative and useful content. You can still stay on Blogger, but most publishers want to move to their own website where they have total control.

Google’s Blogger service contines to hold the lion’s share among free blog hosting services. So, you have your blog hosted by Blogger and you decided to move to your own website using WordPress as your publishing platform. So you go to WordPress, and download the exec and upload it to your site. Finally, you decide to import your valuable posts and comments from Blogger to WordPress. Guess what you will see.

Wordpress import options

In the import options you will see

Old Blogger — Import posts, comments, and users from an Old Blogger blog
Blogware — Import posts from Blogware
DotClear — Import categories, users, posts, comments, and links from a DotClear blog
GreyMatter — Import users, posts, and comments from a Greymatter blog
LiveJournal — Import posts from a LiveJournal XML export file
Movable Type and TypePad — Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or Typepad blog
RSS — Import posts from an RSS feed
Textpattern — Import categories, users, posts, comments, and links from a Textpattern blog
WordPress — Import posts, comments, custom fields, pages, and categories from a WordPress export file

If you are using a @gmail.com email address to sign in into your Blogger account, you cannot use the import feature in WordPress. So, how do you move your posts from Blogger Beta or the New Blogger to Wordpress. You have three options

Method # 1: Copy and paste your posts

This is the worst method where you log into your blogger and wordpress account and manually copy and paste your post content from your blogger post to the wordpress post. This can easily become very tedious if you have a large blog. Also, how do you import the valuable comments? You can’t.

Method # 2: Use a Wordpress plugin to import from Blogger Beta to Wordpress

You can use Ady Romantica’s Blogger RSS Import plugin to import from Blogger beta to wordpress. However, this method is not a simple plug and play. There are a lot of issues using this plugin. The author himself provides a link to WordPress suicide to mass delete your wordpress posts in case the import fails and you have to try again. However, if you are looking at the plugin option, this is the best and only option right now.

Method # 3:

Import Blogger Beta Posts to WordPress

This is the best and the easiest method to migrate from Blogger to Wordpress.

In this example we will be moving from student-rant.blogspot.com to studentrant.wordpress.com and finally to studentrant.com.

Step # 1: First, you have to create an account with Wordpress.com. Creating an account takes less than a minute where all you need to provide is your Blog name, admin name and an email address.

Step # 2: After your account is ready, we will now import out Blogger Beta posts. Yes, if you create a WordPress account with wordpress themselves, they provide this option.

import from new blogger to wordpress

To import your blogger beta posts, go to “Manage” tab and then choose “Import“. Choose “Blogger” and after that “Authorize” and grant access to your Blogger Beta account.

Grant access by Blooger to allow import to Wordpress

Step # 3: After that, you just need to press “Import” and magic starts happening. All your Blogger posts, comments and categories are imported to the Wordpress blog you just created. So, after this step, we will have moved from student-rant.blogspot.com to studentrant.wordpress.com

import from blogger account to wordpress

Step # 4: Export from this wordpress.com Wordpress account to your website using WordPress. From your wordpress.com account, go to “Manage” and then export. When you click “Download Export File” , WordPress will create an XML file for you to save to your computer. This format, which we call WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR, will contain your posts, comments, custom fields, and categories. Once you’ve saved the download file, you can use the Import function on your real WordPress blog(in this case www.studentrant.com) to import this blog.

 export from wordpress.com blog to your actual blog

Step # 5: Import the XML file from your computer to your website running Wordpress. Go to Manage, Import on your wordpress dashboard. Browse to where you saved the XML file and then select “upload file and import”. All your blogger posts, comments and categories are now imported to your wordpress blog.

Import wordpress XML file to your website running wordpress

UPDATE (5/16/07)

WordPress 2.2 has been released today. This new version features an import option which allows you to directly import your blogger beta posts and comments without the need for the above mentioned method. Check out this post here

Migrating from New Blogger Beta to WordPress using WordPress 2.2 

UPDATE (4/27/07):

A couple of guys have posted in the comments section that when they try to import from blogger they see a 0/0 posts or 0/0 comments.

Step # 1: In your Blogger account, Click Formatting and change the Timestamp format to be mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM which is the first choice in the dropdown menu

Step # 2: Click Archiving and set Archive Frequency to Monthly

Step # 3: Come back to your wordpress.com blog and hit “Clear Account Information” first.

Start importing

(Thanks Jim and RobJKentJr)

Posted via web from bithacker's posterous


Get 250MB of extra space on DropBox - http://ping.fm/HGXRD


The cool Nautilus Elementry http://ping.fm/8820x

Install Nautilus Elementary (2.30) In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

nautilus elementary 2.30 ubuntu lucid

The simplified / elementary Nautilus idea firstly begun with the 100 paper cuts for Ubuntu Karmic and it stated that the menu and columns are too big and take away space for the really important stuff. Unfortunately, a fix was never released. Here is where Nautilus Elementary comes in: a Nautilus patched for simplicity.

About a week ago we were telling you that Nautilus Elementary 2.30 for Ubuntu 10.04 was in progress. Well, now you can finally install it.

What's new in Nautilus Elementary 2.30 for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

You can set the toolbar either vertical or horizontal:

nautilus elementary horizontal toolbar

Nautilus elementary 2.30 vertical toolbar

Nice looking breadcrumbs (needs a special gtkrc theme such as Elementary Mod)

nautilus elementary breadcrumbs

A new gadget: view_switcher mini widget:

nautilus elementary mini view switcher

nautilus elementary view switcher

You can now tweak Nautilus Elementary from within Nautilus: simply go to Edit > Preferences, on the "Tweaks" tab. Note: only new Nautilus windows will have the new settings (which you apply under the "Tweaks" tab), so simply open a new Nautilus window to use the new settings:

nautilus elementary tweaks tab

Nautilus Elementary 2.30 for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx also comes with all the tweaks that were in Karmic such as RGBA, "F8" to toggle the menu bar and so on. The one thing missing for now is the ClutterFlow view.

How to install Nautilus Elementary 2.30 in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

nautilus elementary 2.30 ubuntu 10.04 LTS lucid lynx

Nautilus Elementary 2.30 is not yet available in any PPAs, but the compilation process is very easy. Simply paste the following commands in a terminal:

bzr branch lp:nautilus-elementary/2.30
sudo apt-get install build-essential intltool
sudo apt-get build-dep nautilus
cd 2.30/
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install

To enable RGBA transparency in Nautilus, please remember that it only works with themes which use the Murrine Engine (Ambiance, Radiance, Elementary, Airlines from the Bisigi themes and so on). Also, you need to enable RGBA in the theme settings. To do this, open nautilus as root:

sudo nautilus
Then navigate to /usr/share/themes and for the theme you want to enable RGBA transparency for, navigate to the gtk-2.0 folder, open the "gtkrc" file with a text editor, search for "rgba" and change it from "false" to "true.

Update: there is now a PPA repository available for Nautilus Elementary 2.30 (for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx).

Thanks to ammonkey for the news and 2 of the screenshots in this post.

Posted via web from bithacker's posterous


Restore the Default Gnome Panels in Ubuntu 10.04

Sometimes crazy things happen when you’re using Ubuntu, especially when you’re first getting started. It’s easy to mess things up and sometimes hard to get them back to normal. One problem I often see is that people accidentally delete their top or bottom panels (the bars that go across the top and bottom of your desktop and contain menus and other useful widgets).  It can be especially frustrating when your top panel disappears along with the Application Menu … what’s a person to do?

You might see instructions in a forum or on a blog post that tell you how “easy” it is to restore your default panels with some “simple” Terminal commands. While these commands might be easy for the seasoned Linux geek, they can be confusing for everyone else.  In an attempt to make things as simple as possible, I edited a small program originally found here, and made something that will hopefully get you back to Ubuntu bliss as quickly as possible.

Introducing: PanelRestore

PanelRestore is a small program that will allow you to restore the default Ubuntu panels quickly (it will also allow you to backup and restore your existing panel configurations). Here’s how to use it.

1. Download PanelRestore – Right-click here and choose “Save Link As”. Save the PanelRestore.tar.gz file on your desktop.

2. Find the PanelRestore.tar.gz on your desktop, right-click on it and then click on “Extract Here.”

3. You should now see another file on your desktop called “PanelRestore.sh.”  Double click on this file and you will be presented with a pop-up window asking you what you want to do – click “Run.”

4. Now you will see the main program window. Here you have the choice to save your current panel settings and restore panel settings from a file, or to restore the default panel settings. Choose “Restore Default Panel Settings” and click “OK.”

5. If you’re sure that you want to restore the default Ubuntu panels, click “OK.”

6. Enjoy!

Posted via web from bithacker's posterous