
Five ways to find out who unfollowed you on twitter.

There are many reasons people unfollow you on twitter, When realizing that you’re unfollowed makes you little hurt, but don’t take it deep to your heart cause it is just a social network. We have seen many tools to unfollow people on twitter, but today we are going to see the best ways to get noticed when you’re unfollowed on twitter.

unfollow you on twitter 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

There are many reasons people unfollow you on twitter, like they may not be interested in your content which you tweet, when your content is adult or offensive, when you spam too much etc. But after knowing the exact person who unfollowed you, you can ask them and know the reason why they unfollowed you. So, here are some tools to find out the person who unfollowed you on twitter.

HowTo Get Alert When Someone Unfollow You on Twitter ?

Unfollowr @ Twitter -

Unfollowr 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

If you follow this twitter handle, it DM’s you when someone unfollows you on twitter. It is my favorite way to find out who has unfollowed me, because I get the notification in my DM inbox and don’t need to go for any thrid party apps.

Qwitter –

qwitter 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

When someone unfollows you, qwitter sends you an email message saying who unfollowed youand what tweet did you post before they unfollowed you. All you need to do is, sign up. Enter your twitter username and email address.

Goodbye, Buddy! –

good bye 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

You can follow him on twitter @goodbyebuddy and go once a day to his website to check who unfollowed you.

Lost a Follower -

lost a follower 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

This service is same like qwitter, you need to sign up with twitter username and email address. They will send you an email message when ever some one unfollows you on twitter.

Twittaquitta -

twittquttas 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

Service that sends you an email everyday to tell you who stopped following you on twitter!

Bonus – TwitDiff

twitdiff 5 Ways To Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

TwitDiff provides e-mail and RSS notification for accounts unsubscribing from your tweets.

Once again I say this to you all, it hurts badly when you find someone unfollows you on twitter, so don’t take it close to your heart, it is just another social network. Oh and don't forget to follow me. :)

Posted via email from BitHacker's Posterous

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